Dear Arden Park Soccer Community:
AP Soccer is growing each year and we continue to improve our goal of teaching our children sportsmanship, leadership and the ability to play soccer. One of the things we’re asking of parents this year is to help raise money for the Arden Park Soccer Club by reaching out to your employers for sponsorship opportunities. If you’re self-employed please consider a sponsorship. At the close of this letter you’ll find the various sponsorship levels.
As you are aware, operating a successful Soccer League requires numerous volunteers, community partners and financial support. Each season we have countless volunteers devoting their time and energy to help make our league run as smoothly as possible. In addition to our volunteers, the league requires community financial support. Player registrations only account for a small portion of our league expenses. All donations help Arden Park Soccer Club:
- Maintain affordable registration fees for all players.
- Pay for Opening Day which hosts 800-1000 players and their families to fun games, food, drinks, bounce houses, a photo booth and DJ.
- Provide partial and full scholarships to players in need.
- Purchase quality equipment for the optimal safety and experience of our players.
- Support the operational costs of our league such as accounting, insurance, referee training, coaches training, website expenses, etc.
- Ongoing field maintenance, improvement, and upkeep.
- Continue to be completely managed by volunteers, including coaches, referees, and board members and other countless other volunteers.
We need your help to ensure another successful Arden Park Soccer Club Season.
Thank you in advance for your continued commitment to our community and support of Arden Park Soccer Club. Your generosity allows our league to provide an excellent experience to our players and community each year.
For more information please contact me at tcomstock44@gmail.com or 916.548.7102
Thank you,
Tim Comstock
Sponsorship Coordinator
PLATINUM - $1000
- Full Color Name/Business Banner hung at the Annual Arden Park Soccer Skills & Conditioning Summer Camps (June – July).
- Donor provided coupons, fliers or other promo items (upon approval) for camp cinch sacks given to each camp participant (appx 300 campers). Items must be provided by May 20th.
- Special individual Donor Recognition made weekly at each Camp
- Field/Tent/Activity Area Sign created in Full Color with your Name/Business on Opening Day
- Special Individual Donor Recognition Multiple times on Opening Day
- Full Color Banner Hung at Cresta Park Opening Day – Season End (August – November)
- Name/Logo on Sponsor T-Shirt given out to all the families Website Ad Listing Annually
GOLD - $750
- Field/Tent/Activity Area Sign created in Full Color with your Name/Business on Opening Day
- Special Individual Donor Recognition Multiple times on Opening Day
- Full Color Banner Hung at Cresta Park Opening Day – Season End (August – November)
- Name/Logo on Sponsor T-Shirt given out to all the families
- Website Ad Listing Annually
SILVER - $500
- Special Individual Donor Recognition Multiple times on Opening Day
- Full Color Banner Hung at Cresta Park Opening Day – Season End (August – November)
- Name/Logo on Sponsor T-Shirt given out to all the families
- Website Ad Listing Annually
BRONZE - $250
- Special Individual Donor Recognition Multiple times on Opening Day
- Name/Logo on Sponsor T-Shirt given out to all the families
- Website Ad Listing Annually
CHAMP - $125
- Sponsorship Funding may be designated to help a qualified player register for free
- Special Individual Donor Recognition Multiple times on Opening Day
- Website Ad Listing Annually
Please download our Sponsorship Form and return it to Tim Comstock at tcomstock44@gmail.com. Questions? Feel free to email Tim or call him at 916.548.7102